The second whole-class project started right after Xmas holidays and this time we created an animated short from scratch. My task was to be the so-called modeling lead and my team made all the cool 3D models and environments for the animation. We also used Nuke for post-production work.
The animation is the story of Göran the Herring and his tiny friend Krillan the Plankton. They live in their happy, peaceful and watery home in the ocean, until…
I can’t reveal more than that (lame, I know!) as hopefully the animation will be premiered on big screens at some point in 2017.
Here are some of the models and textures I made during the project (Models: Maya. Textures: Illustrator / Photoshop. Shading: Konsta Saarinen)
I only made these hilarious textures. (Model by Henrik Brummer)